Entrepreneurs: Pitch as a coach, listen as a player (be coachable)

When pitching one’s business idea, one must ramp up their energy level to show the excitement one has about the idea.  That is easy.  However, when it becomes time to listen, one must turn and become respective of comments from the audience.  One must change perspective from being a coach, being coachable, quickly. Here is an article that explains this: …

Pitch Zoo – March

Last night was the March Pitch Zoo event — the last monthly community workshop that PZ will hold. There were four companies that practiced their pitches, and received feedback from the community: Connor Pray / Ryan Davis, Ryan Goins, Austin Scott, and Tyler Lemke. Additional pictures from the activities. After 53 innings being pitched over two years, the game has come …

Article: 4 Powerful Presentation Lessons from Apple [ and Steve Jobs ]

This article, “4 Powerful Presentation Lessons from Apple” [ and Steve Jobs ], is about presentations, not specifically about pitching (how to succinctly talk about the important parts of your business).  However, the 4 points that are highlighted are prudent for talking about your business (idea) in a pitch. They are: Keep your main message SIMPLE — and Tweetable (this …

Pitch Zoo – February

Last night was the February Pitch Zoo event.  Two individuals / companies practiced their pitches, and received feedback from the community. Additional pictures from the activities.